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House on 5Jun12

Well Drilling

Drilling the Wells - 5 Geothermal Wells and 1 Drinking Well
June 5, 2012
Got a call Monday morning from the Geothermal contractor and he said he would have a crew on site Tuesday to start drilling the wells for the Geothermal. They showed up Tuesday afternoon and started drilling, the drilled one (of five) Geo wells on Tuesday, 3 more Geo wells on Wednesday and finished with the final Geo well and drinking well on Thursday. We left on Wednesday night so I did not get any pictures of the later work.
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A few pictures of them drilling the first well on Tuesday
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You can see two of the Geo "loops" sticking out of the ground - they were drilled 230 feet deep
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Couple of close-up of the wells and me checking it out
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All that nasty looking mud is what came out of the ground