gen_390.1.gif Our House  

Site Map
The Creek
 The View
The House Lot
Garage Lot Clearing
Tree in Garage
House Lot Clearing
Ready for Walls
Basement Walls
Basement Slab
Factory Build
Setting Boxes
Roof Work
Well Drilling
House on 5Jun12

These pictures are the views from Mindy's Parents Pier
Looking to the Right off of the Pier; these boats belongs to our neighbors on the right
Looking to the right and also across the creek
Across the creek (about 2 O'clock)
Another view across the creek
Straight across the creek
Starting to pan to the left across the creek (around 11 O'Clock)
Looking up the creek to the left - This is the view from our lot
Another picture off to the left
Off to the left on our side of the creek
Across the creek to the left a little bit
Another picture across the creek to the left a little bit
Off the right of the Pier - our side of the creek
This is our Shoreline (probably where the our Pier will go)
Another picture of our shoreline
And....... One more of the shoreline